A Peek Into Life at Our Family Farm

What a busy, but glorious summer this has been! We’ve been getting our meat out to customers, along with all our farm work of raising pigs and cattle, milking our goats and raising meat and layer chickens. The ever growing garden and harvest has filled our days. We try to work in the mornings to beat the heat! My daughter has been my garden manager this summer and all of us have been eating and enjoying the fresh veggies.  Homemade salsa with onions, tomatoes, peppers and herbs from our garden is my new favorite summer food! We’ve been canning veggies and making jam from some of our fruit on the farm…trying to enjoy the season to it’s fullest, like many of you!

My oldest son (who just turned 14) made this beautiful little short video with some of my favorite moments on our farm the past few years.

I hope it gives you a little glimpse into life here. Days where we work together, enjoy nature, embrace the season. We love having a farm where our whole family can join in and help to raise animals to provide meat for families all over Virginia!  

Thanks for being supportive of our farm through your emails, visits, and buying meat from us. It means the world to have folks on our side, cheering us on.



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